Washington Tuition Reciprocity Program
The Idaho State Board of Education makes policy for K20 public education in Idaho, to create opportunity for lifelong attainment of high quality education, research. Regulations of executive branch agencies are issued by authority of statutes. Like legislation and the Constitution, regulations are a source of primary law in. Washington Tuition Reciprocity Programs' title='Washington Tuition Reciprocity Programs' />State Need Grant WSACIf you are a student, parent, or educator looking for State Need Grant information, please visit the State Need Grant page on our agencys consumer information site, readysetgrad. The State Need Grant SNG program provides need based financial aid to income eligible students pursuing postsecondary education. Eligible students have a household income that is less than 7. Grant recipients can use the financial aid at Washingtons eligible institutions, including public two and four year colleges and universities and many accredited privateindependent colleges, universities, and career schools in the state. Institutions Seeking Participation in State Financial Aid Programs. Washington Tuition Reciprocity Program' title='Washington Tuition Reciprocity Program' />Financial Aid Programs Financial Aid Overview. An overview of the financial aid programs available to Washington students. Need Based Programs State Need Grant. Minimum institutional eligibility standards for participation in state financial aid programs are defined in RCW 2. B. 9. 2 and WAC 2. Eligible institutions seeking participation in state financial aid programs should contact WSAC at finaidwsac. Applying institutions are subject to a rigorous review and evaluation process, including but not limited to assessments of historical performance outcomes, administrative capacity and staffing qualifications, accreditation status, status in Title IV programs, compliance audits, and financial health. Current Applications for Participation. City University has been approved for participation in state aid programs effective 2. State Need Grant Awards. State Need Grant amounts vary by the type of school attended. The chart below shows the maximum award recipients may be eligible to receive, if enrolled full time. Maximum Award AmountsInstitution. Washington Tuition Reciprocity Program' title='Washington Tuition Reciprocity Program' />Award. Public Research University of Washington Washington State University9,5. Public Comprehensive Central Washington University Eastern Washington University The Evergreen State College Western Washington University6,4. Private Four Year IndependentPrivate Four Year Non Profit Universities and Colleges IndependentPrivate Four Year For Profit Universities and Colleges WGU Washington9,5. Community and Technical Colleges Community and Technical Colleges CTC Applied Baccalaureate Programs3,6. Private Two Year Private Two Year Non Profit Colleges Private Two Year For Profit Colleges3,6. Dependent Care Allowance9. Award amounts noted above represent the maximum possible SNG award. Free Download Winrar Zip Archive File. Actual SNG award amounts may vary due to individual campus awarding policies. Maximum Award Amounts. Median Family Income MFI Range of Award. Median Family Income MFI Cutoff Amounts. MFIs for 2. 01. 7 1. SNG Programrounded to nearest 5.