How To Remove Approved Updates From Wsus
How To Remove Approved Updates From Wsus' title='How To Remove Approved Updates From Wsus' />Windows Server Update Service a. WSUS is Microsoft free tool they provide for deploying patches and updates. In my experience this tool is pretty much used by. WSUS server, not even the WSUS server itself. If youre using Group Policy to configure your updates, you can query the registry for the Target Group and WSUS server values C REG QUERY HKLMSoftwarePolicies. I am running WSUS 3. SP1 on Windows 2003 and recently have found that running the Cleanup Wizard works with all of the selectable options except the. How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Security Updates using Configuration manager 2. There are multiple posts online, discuss about how to uninstall Windows updates if something goes wrong with deployed patches, but I did not find anything related to Office security updates. In this post,I will discuss about, How to Uninstall Microsoft Office Security Updates using Configuration manager 2. Background With the release of December 2. A Bulletin ID MS1. KB2. 72. 69. 58 related to Microsoft Office 2. Excel 2. 01. 0 spreadsheets stop working breaks the macros to work. More information about this issue was discussed on the Tech. Net forum https social. Forumsen US1. 72. When user tries to execute the Excel that has MacrosVBA ,it gives error code Run Time Error 4. Object doesnt no support this property or method. Uninstalling the update Security Update for Microsoft Office 2. KB2. 72. 69. 58 3. Bit Edition from add and remove programs returns the Excel to normal and all works good. Microsoft had also released the fix for this problem ,can be found here ,it basically remove the files with extension. I decided to remove this patch from all the installed computers to avoid further tickets to service desk. Since this is MS Office security updates ,you cannot use the wusa. Windows security updates. Circular Statistics In Biology Pdf there. What other methods to try ,that will remove the specific patche on windows computers Here is the command line to uninstall Microsoft Office security updates. Product. ID uninstall Patch. Summary Use the Windows PowerShell and the UpdateServices module to manage WSUS. Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. Today we have an awesome. ID qn quiet norestart. Product. ID Product ID of the Windows update component for Ex Microsoft Office ,Microsoft Visio,Microsoft Lync etc. Patch. ID Patch. ID is self explanatory. How do I find the Product ID and Patch. ID before I run the command line using Configuration manager or other methodsIf you are running configuration manager 2. Right click on the Lync product ID row and click copy the Product ID information. Update for Microsoft Office 2. KB2. 81. 76. 26 3. Bit Edition 9. C 0. 00. 0 0. 00. FF1. CEOffice. 15. LYNCBC3. 69. 23. B0. E0 4. BB0 8. D6 E9. BFA Microsoft. So from above,you have got both product ID and Patch ID for Lync update KB2. To uninstall this Update ,replace the Product ID and Patch ID in the command line Uninstallation command line syntax msiexec package 9. C 0. 00. 0 0. 00. FF1. CE uninstall BC3. B0. E0 4. BB0 8. D6 E9. BFA qn quiet norestart. If you have multiple patches causing trouble,create a batch file and supply the command line in each row. Create a standard package using the batch file and deploy this to all workstations irrespective of whether this update installed or not. Monitor Client log execmgr. How to find the product ID and Patch ID instead of using Configuration manager 2. CM Site successfully You can get these values from Registry on the computer that have these patches installed. Go to registry and drill down to HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREWow. NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionUninstall if 6. HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionUninstalland use find option to search for patch with display name Security Update for Microsoft Office 2. KB2. 72. 69. 58 3. Bit Edition you see from add and remove programs or from SCCM ConsoleLook for the uninstalstring ,you can see the product ID and patch ID information. I use the uninstall string from registry . You can use ,but this command line varies based on the OS architecture. I Prefer to use the msiexec method works on all platforms.