The Game West Coast Customs
The Game West Coast Customs' title='The Game West Coast Customs' />Showroom Corporate Builds The World Famous West Coast Customs. The known world of Game of Thrones has no overall or official name. Characters within the story. The Known World Game of Thrones WikiIts a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born, and never get to see any of it. I dont want to be most of us. Prince Oberyn MartellsrcA map of the known world with major locations marked. Sothoryos is not included in this map. Tyga-Mercedes-Benz-SLS-600x400.jpg' alt='The Game West Coast Customs' title='The Game West Coast Customs' />California high court to decide legality of farm worker law The Latest Rohingya in Myanmar hope pope will use same term Grey Cup Toronto rallies in snow to beat. For spacious skies, for amber waves of grain, and for plenty of other reasonsmany of them manmade, thank you very muchthe fantasy of a coastto. The known world of Game of Thrones has no overall or official name. Characters within the story simply refer to it as the world. At the time of the series, the known world consists of three discovered continents Westeros, Essos, and Sothoryos. VnFnCTRyOAqOODUG4A/348s.jpg' alt='The Game West Coast Customs' title='The Game West Coast Customs' />There are also numerous islands and archipelagos, including the Stepstones, Summer Islands, and Ib. Continents. Westeros Located in the far west of the known world, Westeros extends southwards from the northern polar icecap for approximately 3,0. Most of the continent is unified as a political entity called the Seven Kingdoms, ruled from the King on the Iron Throne in the city of Kings Landing. Most of the action in Game of Thrones occurs in Westeros. Essos Separated from Westeros by the Narrow Sea, Essos extends eastwards for many thousands of miles. It is larger than Westeros but less densely populated. The western edge of the continent is controlled by the nine Free Cities, while the city states of the Bay of Dragons are located in the south central region. Further east is Qarth and the fabled Jade Sea, which Essos partially encloses. The far eastern coast of Essos is unexplored, as it lies beyond legendary Asshai and the forbidding Shadow Lands. Much of the continental interior west of the Jade Sea is ruled by the tribal warriors known as the Dothraki. Sothoryos Relatively little known, Sothoryos is located south of Essos, on the far side of the Summer Sea. It is a large continent consisting of deserts and jungles. It is said to be a haven for plagues and dangerous animals, and has not been explored much beyond the northern coastal regions. Seas and oceans The Sunset Sea lies to the west of Westeros. No one has successfully crossed the Sunset Sea with any reliable information about any landmasses that might lie beyond. The Summer Sea lies to the south of Westeros and Essos, dividing the latter from Sothoryos. It contains the Summer Islands. The extent of the ocean south of the Summer Islands is unknown. Inlets of the Summer Sea include the Bay of Dragons and the Gulf of Grief. The Shivering Sea lies to the north east of Westeros and the north of Essos, separating the latter from the northern polar ice cap. Ibben and Skagos are the most notable islands of size in the Shivering Sea. During the winter, the Shivering Sea becomes much more hostile to cross. The Narrow Sea divides Westeros from Essos, and also connects the Summer Sea in the south to the Shivering Sea in the north. While smaller than most of the other seas, it is still several hundred miles wide, presenting a formidable obstacle to military activity between the two continents. During winter, the Narrow Sea becomes difficult to cross because of storms and strong winds blowing from the north. Inlets of the Narrow Sea include Blackwater Bay, the Sea of Dorne, and the Sea of Myrth. The Game West Coast Customs' title='The Game West Coast Customs' />The Jade Sea lies in the far east of the known world, beyond the plains of the Dothraki and Qarth. The Straits of Qarth also called the Jade Gates connect the Jade Sea with the Summer Sea, making Qarth a major hub for west east sea trade. Yi Ti and Asshai are located along the coasts of the Jade Sea. Bold traders get rich from performing the traders circle around the Jade Sea, trading between the powerful city states and merchant kingdoms of the distant east and then carrying those riches back to Westeros and the Free Cities. Such a journey may take two years or more. Islands. This is not a definitive list, but major islands or island groups of particular size and significance. Westeros. The Arbor is a very large island off the south coast of Westeros. It is part of the Reach, held by House Redwyne and owing fealty to House Tyrell. It is one of the main wine producing regions of the Seven Kingdoms. Bear Island lies off the north western coast of Westeros. It is controlled by House Mormont and owes fealty to House Stark. The Iron Islands lie off the west coast of Westeros. Ultrasurf Program. Surgery Powerpoint Templates more. They are one of the major regions of the continent and are controlled by one of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms, House Greyjoy of Pyke. The Three Sisters are a collection of three small islands located between the North and the Vale, in a large bay called the Bite. For centuries they have been a haven for pirates and smugglers, but they are not nearly as large as the Iron Islands, so their raiding is looked down upon as mere piracy, and more of a nuisance than a threat. Officially they are ruled by the Vale, though their allegiance is always tenuous. Skagos is a large island off the northeastern coast of Westeros. In theory it owes fealty to House Stark, but in practice its savage inhabitants who are rumored to be cannibals are allowed to go their own way. Skagos is the largest of several islands in the archipelago, which also includes Skane. Tarth, Dragonstone, and Estermont are large islands in the Narrow Sea, off the eastern coasts of the Seven Kingdoms. Essos The Stepstones are a group of islands dividing the Narrow Sea from the Summer Sea. Legends say that in ancient times they formed a land bridge between Westeros and Essos. The present day island chain is still one of the major paths of transit between Westeros and Essos, as merchant vessels follow their shallow waters instead of the open ocean, and any north south sea traffic must also pass through them. The Stepstones are one of the worlds major pirate dens, preying on all of the sea trade going around them. Efforts are often made to clear the Stepstones of pirates but new ones always replace them. The Free City of Tyrosh is located on the easternmost of the Stepstones. Get information, facts, and pictures about Ivory Coast at Encyclopedia. Make research projects and school reports about Ivory Coast easy with credible articles. Visit daily for posts about the shows and spirit of Velocity, an upscale male lifestyle network, featuring the best of the automotive, sports, adventure and travel. West Coast Customs, a mecca for wellheeled car lovers, stars as their team creates some of the most luxurious, outrageous vehicles on the planet. Watch trailers. KeyWestRegister. The First Official News of Key WestFlorida KeysCaribbean the Gulf Stream. The Game West Coast Customs' title='The Game West Coast Customs' />Several of the Free Cities, including Tyrosh, Lys and Myr, constantly compete for control of the islands, as does the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms on occasion, but any gains are temporary. Overall they remain a lawless no mans land ruled by pirate lords. The Free City of Lorath lies on an off shore island in the Shivering Sea, while Lys is located on an off shore island in the Summer Sea. Ibben, sometimes called Ib, is the second largest island in the known world, home to a civilization of seafarers and whale hunters. It is located thousands of miles east of Westeros, off the north coast of Essos hundreds of miles north from Vaes Dothrak. The Ibbenese trade across much of Essos and sometimes in Westeros as well. It is far too small to be considered a continent in its own right about the size of real life Iceland, and is loosely considered to be part of Essos. A great archipelago lying south east of Volantis and west of the Bay of Dragons is the shattered remnant of the great Valyrian empire, obliterated four centuries ago in a cataclysmic volcanic event known as the Doom. Sailors from across the world know to give Valyria a wide berth, as volcanic activity continues there and the Smoking Sea between the islands is said to be uncrossable, as the fumes rising from the water can choke a man to death. New Ghis, lying on an island on southeast to the Bay of Dragons, is the capital city of the resurgent Ghiscari Empire, which once sprawled across the nearby mainland until it was destroyed by the Valyrian Freehold five thousand years ago.