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How to Handle a Flirty Professor. Youve got problems, Ive got advice. This advice isnt sugar coatedin fact, its sugar free, and may even be a little bitter. Welcome to Tough Love. Youve got problems, Ive got advice. This advice isnt sugar coatedin fact, its sugar free, andRead more Read. This week we have a college student who is wondering if her professor is flirting with herand she doesnt like it. Keep in mind, Im not a therapist or any other kind of health professionaljust a guy whos willing to tell it like it is. I simply want to give you the tools you need to enrich your damn lives. If for whatever reason you dont like my advice, feel free to file a formal complaint here. Now then, lets get on with it. Im in college. My professor never really bothered me before, but now Im starting to question him. I changed my hair to red one day and he complimented how nice it was even though I hated it. I have never seen him comment on anyone elses appearance. Del Taco Drivers Usb 2' title='Del Taco Drivers Usb 2' />Del Taco Drivers Usb 2A few days later I dressed up pretty fashionable and changed my hair back to black cause I was going out that night with my boyfriend and he said, Wow another look, Nice I brushed it off. Then, another time in class, I was talking to my friend and asked her to call me by my nickname. He overheard, asking me why I didnt ask him to do that. I just told him I found no reason to, but ever since then he calls me by my nickname anyway. He also gave us a quiz and one of the questions asked what we thought he could do to make the class better. I said one day out the week for tutoring would be nice. Heres where things get a little weird. Del Taco Drivers Usb 2' title='Del Taco Drivers Usb 2' />When he handed back our quizzes, he made sure to let me know I was the only one he responded back to on the quiz. When I read his little response it said, Okay, lets try to do that, my nickname. Its a pleasure having you in class. Is he flirting Sincerely,Not Hot for Teacher. Hey Not Hot for Teacher Heres the deal if you think hes flirting, hes flirting. So, if youre getting that creeper vibe, thats enough to say he is. I think hes flirting and I cant even see his body language or anything. He calls you by your nickname when you didnt ask him to, he takes care to notice your appearanceand keep track of itand he makes comments on said appearence, directly to your face. Plus, the weird note on your quiz. Thats a little inappropriate there, Professor Horndog. But heres the nail in the coffin hes not doing these things to anyone else or so you say. I mean, if he was, it would still be inappropriate, but its obvious hes shown a specific interest in you, lady. And it sounds like youre not interested in his version of extra credit. So, the real question is what do you do about it For one, I wouldnt attend his romantic solo tutoring session created specifically for you. If hes saying those things in front of people imagine what he might sayor dowhen its just you two in a room alone. Ew. He may not actually be a total creep, but youre probably better off getting tutoring from a classmate if he makes you uncomfortable. Think about ityou wont be able to focus and learn when youre on your guard the whole time. Beyond that, you have two options. The first, which isnt ideal, is to ignore him until this class is over. If you wont see him again after this semester, just keep your head down, do your classwork, and move on. But if hes an adviser or a regular professor of yours, thats not really an option. And I think youre better off doing something about it, so. The second option, Not Hot for Teacher, is to tell him that what hes doing makes you uncomfortable. Dont make a display out of it. V64-Driver-3.png' alt='Del Taco Drivers Usb 2' title='Del Taco Drivers Usb 2' />The stop sign was approaching. 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HP Designjet T920, T1500 ePrinter Series and T2500, T3500 eMultifunction Series. Designjet T920 Printer pdf. No more missed important software updates UpdateStar 11 lets you stay up to date and secure with the software on your computer. Microsoft. The fiercely competitive software giant is positioning its wares for cloud computing with software and services. The companys two cash cows operating. Do it in private during office hours and say, Mr. Horndog but actually use his name, it makes me uncomfortable when you use my nickname and make comments about my appearance. Id appreciate it if youd stop. Now, hell probably get defensive and say that he didnt mean anything by what he said, but it doesnt matter what he meant. Say, Its fine, you dont have to explain. Id just like you to stop. Thanks. Remember, youre not debating his intentions with him, youre telling him how you feel about it, and as your teacher he needs to respect thatperiod. He may not be aware that hes making uncomfortable. While you feel a little harassed, he may think youre cool with it in his creeper brain. Until you say something, hell probably continue. Whatever you choose to do, keep a record of everything he says to you, and when. If you choose to ask him to stop, keep a record of that as well. That way youll have plenty of evidence in case this situation escalates and it needs to be taken to a higher power. You never know. You might dress well, have a cool job, and be blessed with beauty, but flirting is where the realRead more Read. Thats it for this week, but I still have plenty of blunt, honest advice bottled up inside. Tell me, whats troubling you Is work getting you down Are you having problems with a friend or a coworker Is your love life going through a rough patch Do you just feel lost in life, like you have no directionTell me, and maybe I can help. I probably wont make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but sometimes what you need is some tough love. Ask away in the comments below, or email me at the address you see at the bottom of the page please include ADVICE in the subject line. Or tweet at me with Tough. Love Also, DO NOT EMAIL ME IF YOU DONT WANT YOUR REQUEST FEATURED. I do not have time to respond to everyone just for funsies. 3 Ejemplos De Software De Sistema Operativo Mac more. Til next time, figure things out for yourself. Everything That Happened In North Korea While You Were Sleeping. North Korea successfully tested a hydrogen bomb on Sunday, according to officials in the country. If confirmed, it would be the most powerful nuclear explosion ever achieved by the isolated country. And South Korean media now report that the US and South Korea have agreed to jointly pursue some kind of military response. What that will look like, and whether it will involve any strikes on North Korean targets, is still unclear. Things are moving quickly on the Korean peninsula, and theres a lot we dont know, including the details about what this reported US South Korea military response will involve. But below we have a round up of what we do knoweverything that happened on the other side of the world while America slept. North Korea tests H Bomb. The explosion of North Koreas hydrogen bomb was first picked up as an earthquake at exactly noon, local time. Measuring 6. 3 on the richter scale by the US Geological Survey, such an explosion is at least 5 times stronger than any previous detonation performed by the country and roughly 8 times stronger than the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima during World War II. TV broadcasts in the country declared the nuclear test a perfect success of a hydrogen bomb for intercontinental ballistic rocket. Other state media claimed that dictator Kim Jong un had personally overseen the test and described the bomb as a multi functional thermonuclear nuke with great destructive power which can be detonated even at high altitudes for super powerful EMP attack according to strategic goals. North Korea has tested five nuclear devices before todays, with the last nuclear test by the Kim regime in September of 2. But this new test was the first of the Trump presidency, which has warned of fire and fury publicly, while privately acknowledging that there are no good military options on the Korean peninsula. Before departing the White House, top Trump advisor Steve Bannon gave an interview where he said that until somebody solves the part of the equation that shows me that ten million people in Seoul dont die in the first 3. US. North Korea claims that the hydrogen bomb it tested is small enough to be fitted on an intercontinental ballistic missile ICBM. The country tested its first ICBM on July 4, 2. ICBM to the US mainland. Yet, anyway. North Korea still hasnt proved itself to be able to figure out reentry of an ICBM, meaning that any launch from considerable distance would cause the missile to burn up in the atmosphere. Experts consider it only a matter of time before North Korea cracks that problem, however, and a more powerful bomb means that it doesnt need to be as precise if it wants to destroy an entire city. KCNA Watch and ReutersUS and South Korean defense chiefs consider military options. South Korean news agency Yonhap reported early this morning that the US and South Korea have agreed to take military measures against North Korea for its latest nuclear test. The form of military action isnt stated, nor is it clear whether these military measures would include anything beyond a strategic show of force, similar to what the two countries have displayed in the past with simulated bombing raids and missile launches. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Joseph Dunford, talked with his South Korean counterpart General Jeong Kyeong doo over the phone early this morning about effective military responses to North Koreas latest nuclear test. Yonhap stated that the two countries would take combined military measures against North Korea as early as possible, but, again, didnt elaborate on what that would look like. North Korea has conducted a more powerful nuclear test today than in the past while ignoring repeated warnings from us and the international community, South Koreas National Security Office chief Chung Eui yong said in a statement. The President ordered to draw up the strongest punitive measures in tandem with the international community against a series of provocations by North Korea including ICBM class missile launch and nuclear test, the statement continued. Trump regime national security adviser H. R. Mc. Master also spoke over the phone with his South Korean counterpart Chung Eui yong for roughly 2. North Koreas nuclear test, according to the Associated Press. The substance of that call has not been released. Yonhap and NK NewsPresident Trump and Shinzo Abe talk over the phone President Donald Trump reportedly spoke with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for about 2. Previously, Trump had spoken with Abe just yesterday about the threats posed by North Korea. North Koreas last military test was a missile that was shot over the northern part of Japan and landed in the Pacific Ocean. Japanese citizens spent almost 1. A smartphone alert system combined with speaker announcements warn Japanese residents when a possible missile strike from North Korea is on its way. Japan said today that the countrys leader wishes to calmly analyze a range of information he is receiving, discuss necessary action with other countries, and take all possible measures to protect peoples lives and assets. The White House has not yet issued a statement about the call between PM Abe and President Trump. BBC and ReutersSouth Koreans go about their lives, if a bit more fearful. Life continued on like normal in South Korea, as people there are pretty accustomed to the bluster of North Korea. But theyre less used to the inflammatory rhetoric that now comes from the US. And if war does come, some South Koreans are looking to countries with less fascist leaders than Trump to escape the inevitable carnage. One South Korean elementary school teacher told the Korea Times that if war does break out shell leave Korea and head for Canada or something. To be honest I dont put too much thought into this because its always been this way. War does not come easily, the school teacher said. And we shouldnt be worried. Fear is what leads to war. Other South Koreans said that its much of the same old bluster, but seemed to express concern that President Trump seemed unhinged and unpredictable. This is nothing new. Just another provocation by the North as I see it and its been worse before but still did not lead to war. I dont think any South Korean male who has been in the military is scared, the 2. Yoon Tae jun told the Korea Times. But then again Im not sure this time because of Trump. Korea TimesChina strongly condemns North Korean nuclear test. China has made it clear that its not happy about North Koreas recent missile tests. And now the country has strongly condemned North Koreas latest nuclear test. Chinas foreign ministry denounced North Koreas latest test, expressing resolute opposition and strong condemnation of the test and saying that North Korea has ignored the international communitys widespread opposition. We strongly urge the DPRK North Korea to face the strong will of denuclearization from the international community, earnestly abide by the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council, stop taking mistaken actions which worsen the situation and are also not in line with its own interests, and effectively return to the track of solving the problem through dialogue, Chinas foreign ministry said in a statement early this morning.