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Wix vs Word. Press 5 Differences You Should Be Aware Of Dec 1. Wix vs Word. Press is not an easy decision, especially if you are starting off with building websites. The last thing you want to do is commit a lot of time and energy to building a website, then finding out that you have to re build it again because you picked the wrong website builder. Wordpress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart Digital S' title='Wordpress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart Digital S' />The Niche Blog Pack is a collection of 299 Wordpress Blogs with Premium Wordpress Themes and built with money making and SEO as the primary focus. The powers of. Before you buy a web hosting plan, read and compare more than one million words of reviews of 300 providers. Got a review Post it here share with our readers. Build Multi Currency ECommerce website using WordPress, WooCommerce, PayPal and Stripe. Master WooCommerce WordPress. Learn Web Design Development with SitePoint tutorials, courses and books HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, mobile app development, Responsive Web Design. What if you remembered every useful digital marketing tool you came across Thats the goal here. This page is my ongoing library of digital marketing tools and. Collection of BEST simple wordpress themes of 2017 with all trendy and modern features needed for creating PRO website TOP clean minimal designs. Both Wix and Word. Press are good website builders see our detailed review of Wix here, and the differences between Wix and Word. Borland Interbase 6.5. Press is fairly significant. Each has its own pros and cons and being able to identify these pros and cons is important in understanding which one of them will be better  for you. In this review, well compare Wix vs Word. Press in the following 5 categories, plus a final conclusion at the bottom. Wix vs Word. Press Flexibility. Word. Press is an open source platform, this means that their codes are open to everybody to use and modify. Any programmers coders can use Word. Press to create their own themes or plugins for others to download for free, or to be purchased for a fee. This is exactly one of the main reasons why the Word. Press community has expanded to more than 6. As more people businesses build websites online, Word. Press is expected to continue to grow. At the time of this review, there are over 4. Download Racing Games Under 5Mb'>Download Racing Games Under 5Mb. Word. Press plugins that are downloaded more than 1. Word. Press community is. Wordpress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart Digital S' title='Wordpress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart Digital S' />Wordpress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart Digital SWordpress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart Digital SBut before you conclude that Word. Press is better, the fact that Word. WP eStore plugin allows you to sell digital products from your WordPress blog easily while maintaining the security of your digital file. A review of the best Document and File Management plugins for WordPress. WordPress Download Monitor, WP Filebase, Drain Hole and more. PayPal vs Stripe vs Authorize. Amazon Payments Which Is Best for a WordPress Site. Press is so large is also a potential problem. You can imagine, anyone with a little bit of coding knowledge can build a theme or plugin for Word. Press which is dangerous. The quality of these tools could be fantastic, or could be junk. Based on our experiences, there are more junk than fantastic plugins. As you can imagine, since the Word. Press community is so large its almost impossible to have good quality control. So from this perspective, while Word. Press gives you tons of flexibility with tools, a lot of them are mediocre or worst. This is not to say there arent any good Word. Press plugins available in fact, there are lots, but you will need to sift through a lot of them to see which ones are good. Securi a leading Word. Press security firm conducted a study of over 1. In their report, they suggested two findings that you should be aware of The growth of the internet and websites introduced a lot of unskilled webmasters and service providers who have contributed to a lot of websites being hacked. They studied 1. 1,0. Word. Press. Note to be fair, Word. Press is the most popular website builder so this contributes to the higher percentage. Here is an excerpt from their study Source SecuriThis user adoption however brings about serious challenges to the internet as a whole as it introduces a large influx of unskilled webmasters and service providers responsible for the deployment and administrations of these sites. This assessment is amplified in our analysis, which shows that out of the 1. Word. Press platform and over 5. Compare that to other similar platforms that placed less emphasis on backwards compatibility, like JoomlaDrupal, the percentage of out of date software was above 8. Here is another article from Woo. Themes a leading Word. Press theme developer on the dangers of too many faulty plugins in Word. Press.  Wix is not an open source platform so their codes are not available for people to modify. This means that only their private development team can produce website building tools this results in Wixs tools being fully integrated into their website builder, and will have a much lower chance of being buggy. Wix is also expanding their Apps Market so you can add a lot more functions to a Wix website these Apps are fully integrated so you dont have to worry about installation See our full Wix App Market review hereIf you were to experience technical issues with Wixs tools, they will fix it whereas with Word. Press, a lot of plugin developers may or may not help you unless you pay to purchase their plugins. SUMMARYThe primary concern with Word. Press is that a lot of tools plugins may not be built by good developers. Using a poorly built plugin may slow down your website performance, cause conflicts or worst, crash your website. When this does happen, you wont have a central location to go look for help and the plugin developer may not help you especially if the plugin was for free. With Wix, everything is tested and controlled by their private development team to ensure quality, and they also have good, centralized support functions more below. Summary. Wix. Word. Press. Flexibility. Limited customizability, but all their features and functions are closely controlled, monitored and tested to ensure they are working properly. Very flexible customizable but could be very problematic if your custom tools or plugins breakdown. Wix vs Word. Press Ease of Use. When it comes to Wix vs Word. Press in terms of ease of use, the learning curve for Word. Press is definitely a lot steeper. As mentioned above, a lot of people choose Word. Press for its flexibility, but with this flexibility comes complexity. If you know how to modify codes, you can potentially do a lot of customizations with Word. Press that you cant do with Wix. But are you a skilled developer If not, you can still customize Word. Press but you will need to hire a skilled Word. Press developer which can cost quite a bit. While there are customization limits to using Wix, Wix is designed and built specifically so it is easy for non developers to use with ease. You can definitely learn how to use Wix a lot faster and with a lot less headaches. Wix is a What You See Is What You Get WYSIWYG website builder, so you can drag and drop paragraphs, pictures, slideshows, shopping cart buttons, etc directly into to the website builder to start building your website. How you place these content in the website builder is how it will look when the site is published. As for Word. Press, the downside is that whatever content you insert into the editor, you wont see what it looks like live until you preview or publish the page. With Wix, you just drag and drop any content into the screen, and you dont need to know how to code or need any special external tools to enable you to do this. Whereas for Word. Press, if you want to make what seems to be quick adjustments such as the spacing of where the images or slideshows are positioned, this can get tricky and technical. Youll need to modify codes to do this or spend time looking and testing for the right plugin to help you do what seems to be a simple task. In addition, you wont know if the plugin you found would cause conflicts with your website. SUMMARYWix makes it easy for all levels of users to build websites quickly as it enables you to drag and drop content wherever you want. With Word. Press, youll need to be prepared to spend a lot of time to learn how to use it. Word. Press is indeed the more powerful platform, but it comes with complexity. Of course, you can always hire developers to help you, but this takes time to hire and manage the person, and will cost money. If this seems like too much of a burden, Id suggest you give Wix a test run to get started quickly. Summary. Wix. Word. Press. Ease of Use. A very user friendly, drag drop website builder. You dont need to know how to code as Wix is catered to non technical users. Steep learning curve not beginner friendly.