Video Hub Theme Download
Smosh Wikipedia. Smosh. Smosh founders Ian Hecox left and Anthony Padilla right in 2. Personal information. Born. Ian Andrew Hecox11. WWE 1st The Shield Theme Song Special Op High Quality Download iTunes Release Duration 253. DubDubEE 19,580,349 views. Video Hub Theme Download' title='Video Hub Theme Download' />November 3. Sacramento County, California. Daniel Anthony Padilla21. September 1. 6, 1. Sacramento County, California. Origin. Carmichael, California3Nationality. American. Occupation. This site will teach you how to make a website in just 3 easy to follow steps. Theres also lots of really useful resources to help you build traffic. Video Hub Theme Download' title='Video Hub Theme Download' />Actors, Comedians. Websitewww. smosh. You. Tube information. Channel. Years active. Genre. Comedy. Subscribers. Total views. 6. 6 billionNetwork. Defy Media. Subscriber and view counts updated as of August 7, 2. Smosh4 is an American sketch comedy. You. Tube channel created by Ian Andrew Hecox born November 3. Daniel Anthony Padilla born September 1. Anthony Padilla created a website called smosh. He was later joined by his friend Ian Hecox. Soon afterward, they began to post videos on You. Tube in the autumn of 2. As of August 2. 01. Smosh channel has over 6 billion video views and 2. You. Tube. 5 The Smosh team has expanded to include others to handle animated, other language, and video gaming content videos, and the sketches have included more actors. After Padilla left Smosh to pursue his solo You. Tube channel in June 2. Hecox became the only co founder that is currently an active member of the Smosh team. The Smosh channel has experienced three different spans as the most subscribed You. Tube channel. The first period spanned from May to June 2. April 2. 00. 7 to September 2. January to August 2. Smosh has more subscribers than any other American Youtube Channel that is not a Vevo channel, or a channel owned by Youtube itself. History. Formation and Pokmon Theme Music Video 2. The franchise began when Anthony Padilla built a website in 2. Flash animations. He has stated that the name Smosh came from an incident where he mistook a friend explaining a mosh pit as a smosh pit. Other content creators in the pre You. Tube era would also upload videos to smosh. You. Tuber Tom. Ska. Later, his friend, Ian Hecox, joined the venture. Padilla and Hecox first met in their sixth grade science class. They became friends, and quickly discovered their knack for comedy. In 2. 00. 5, they joined You. Tube and made several videos together, lip syncing the theme songs to Mortal Kombat, Power Rangers, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. At first, these videos were not intended to be posted online, but after they sent them to their friends, they started a You. Tube channel. 1. 0One of Smoshs earliest videos, Pokmon Theme Music Video, was released on November 2. It followed the same style as their other earlier videos, featuring the duo lip synching the original English theme song for the Pokmon anime. However, the video instantly became much more popular than any of their other videos over the course of its lifetime, it gained over 2. You. Tube at that time. It held that title until it was dethroned by Judson Laipplys Evolution of Dance. It was later removed for copyright. The success of their Pokmon video and other videos led Smosh to be featured in the Person of the Year You issue of Time Magazine, published December 1. Time. com. 1. 3 In March 2. Andii. 20. 00 now renamed as John re uploaded the original Pokmon video it has over 1. October 2. 01. 6update. Due to the channels continued success, and Smoshs partnership with You. Tube, the two recreated the video in November 2. The Pokmon Company taking down the Pokmon theme video. You. Tube success 2. Over the course of the next few years, Smosh began to diversify. They started making short You. Tube skits, such as their annual video series Food Battle1. That Damn Neighbor. Smosh continued to grow in popularity and became one of the most subscribed channels on You. Tube. 1. 8 In 2. Smosh prepared a massive redesign of Smosh. In January 2. 01. Smosh launched the Smosh Pit feature, a blog that consists of various pieces of pop culture trivia, and written comedy. In addition, 2. 01. Smosh based web series Ian Is Bored, which started as a collection of comedic videos by Hecox, but then turned into both Hecox and Padilla making vlog like videos, and renamed Smosh Is Bored Ask Charlie, where people ask Charlie, from their January 2. Charlie the Drunk Guinea Pig video, random questions and Lunchtime with Smosh, a comedy series featuring Smosh getting and eating food from various places, and answering Twitter questions from their fans on Twitter. Some of Smoshs most popular video series include Pokmon in Real Life and If Was Real. Also in early 2. 01. Smosh created the i. Shut Up App for Android phones as part of a Google sponsorship it eventually made its way to the i. Tunes app store. In 2. Smosh was acquired by Alloy Digital now Defy Media. Expansion and Padillas departure 2. In 2. 01. 2, the duo started three new You. Tube channels, El. Smosh, with Smosh videos dubbed in Spanish, Shut Up Cartoons, with various animated videos, and Smosh Games, with gaming related content hosted alongside Mari Takahashi, David Lasercorn Moss, Matthew Sohinki, and Joshua Jovenshire Ovenshire. Some of Smoshs most popular videos are video game themed music videos. These songs along with other original songs have been released in 4 albums to date Sexy Album 2. If Music Were Real 2. Smoshtastic 2. 01. The Sweet Sound of Smosh 2. In January 2. 01. Smosh channel surpassed Ray William Johnson in subscribers. Smosh released Super Head Esploder X, a video game for i. Pads, i. Phones, and i. Pods, in February 2. July 2. 01. 3 started an Indiegogo campaign for an i. OS and PC game, Food Battle The Game. Hecox and Padilla raised 2. Food Battle series. Smosh donated 1. 0 of the funds to three charities3. November 2. 01. 4, as well as releasing the game. In February 2. 01. Smosh released a mobile app to access Smosh videos and other content from their website,3. Xbox One app. 3. 5 Later in 2. Smosh France became an official Smosh channel. In March 2. 01. 5, Smosh re launched the Smosh Games Alliance, a multi channel network where fans join to enjoy network benefits in exchange for a percentage of the ad revenue. In 2. 01. 5, the duo announced Noah Grossman, Keith Leak II, Olivia Sui,3. Debian Install Python Modules more. Courtney Miller, and Shayne Topp,3. Smosh videos. A sketch series, called Every Blank Ever, has been released every two weeks since May 2. In January 2. 01. Smosh channel. Part Timers is a comedy drama which takes place at a fictional childrens arcade and pizza place called Pork E. Pines, which takes inspiration from Hecoxs first job at Chuck E. Cheeses. 4. 1 Each episode presents a challenge that the team must overcome to keep the business going. The series features regular Smosh cast members, Grossman as Pete, Hecox as Ian, and Padilla as Anton, in addition to Cat Alter as Mads, Jade Martz as Ella, Casey Webb as Dinger, and Natalie Whittle as Lori. The series was released every Monday on the Smosh channel from January to May 2. During the month of February, new cast member Boze was added to the Smosh Family, joining the cast of Smosh Games. On June 1. 4, 2. 01. Padilla announced he would be leaving Smosh to pursue independent video ventures due to a lack in creative freedom. Hecox will remain with Smosh, and has stated Im really looking forward to taking Smosh to the next phase, and we cant wait for people to see what we have coming up. Films. On September 1. Lionsgate announced that a feature length movie was in development,4. Smosh The Movie was released on July 2.