Spf Pc Editor

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Connecting android to the pc over usbUpdateThere is some new documentation on the android dev guide. I suggest you start there. This will be a two part mini tutorial on how to establish device to host computer communication through usb by using adb. A lot of this is based on Alex Florescus work on the subject. My thanks go out to him. You can read his post here. In part 2, Ill post a super simple java client to demonstrate the communication. In short, the way it works is through port forwarded tcp sockets. This technique sets up a socket server on the Device and a client socket on the host computer. Port forwarding to the device is achieved via adb forward. More on this later. Spf Pc Editor' title='Spf Pc Editor' />Ok so lets get down to it. After youve written both your server and your client apps these are the steps you need to take to get this to work Launch the server app on the device. Webopedias list of Data File Formats and File Extensions makes it easy to look through thousands of extensions and file formats to find what you need. Search the worlds information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what youre looking for. Make sure you forward the ports on adb you only need to do this onceLaunch the client app on the host machine. Now lets cover each step in detail. Lets start with the server app on the device. The server socket needs to run on the phone. If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. The device cant really know that the host its connected to exists. Spf Pc Editor' title='Spf Pc Editor' />This utility searches for available printing devices on the network, downloads the applicable printer driver through Internet and installs it to the PC with the. 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ADB forwards tcp requests FROM the host computer to the device. ADB cant do that the other way around. This means that only the host computer can initiate a connection. This makes knowing where the server goes pretty obvious. Dont worry though, once the connection is made communication can happen bi directionally. The first thing to do is to set up a socket connection The code below is based on Jason Weis awesome post over on think android. My thanks to himhttp thinkandroid. In the code block above we create a new connection to localhost and set up a tcp port of our choosing. Any port works, just stay away from the standard 8. Cmos Pld Programming Hardware And Software Support. The connection is wrapped inside a trycatch to allow for a connection timeout. With a timeout set the server is now open to accept a client connection. Once the connection is established we can get a reference to our IO. We store this in a global static for easy reference. Globals. socket. In new Scannerclient. Input. Stream. Globals. Out new Print. Writerclient. Output. Stream,After the connection is established we can now being to work with the input and output streams. In the next code block we send some messaging to the ui thread and monitor any input coming from the client. Globals. connected true. Status Connection was succesful. Handler. postshow. Connection. Status. Globals. socket. In. Next. socket. Data Globals. In. next. update the ui thread. Handler. postsocket. Status. And thats it IO we can do some work with it. In this example we do some simple ui buttons to test the connection. Project Igi 1 Mission 12 Free Download. Below is a simple click handler for some buttons. ClickView v. switch v. Id. case R. id. Text. View find. View. By. IdR. id. Threadinitialize. Connection. start. String msg Attempting to connect. Toast. make. Textthis, msg, msg. R. id. hdmion. Log. TAG, disconnect Globals. Out. if Globals. Out null. Globals. Out. printlnhdmi. On. Globals. socket. Out. flush. case R. Log. dTAG, disconnect Globals. Out. if Globals. Out null. Globals. Out. printlnhdmi. Off. Globals. Out. Here is what the code for the Server socket on the device looks like. Keep in mind that this is a very simplistic example. But it should work. As always, there are many and better ways to do things. This is the way that helped me understand whats going on. IOException. import java. Print. Writer. import java. Server. Socket. import java. Socket. import java. Socket. Timeout. Exception. Scanner. import android. Activity. import android. Intent. import android. Bundle. import android. Handler. import android. Log. import android. View. import android. View. On. Click. Listener. Text. View. import android. Toast. public class Socket. Main extends Activity implements On. Click. Listener. String TAG Connection. TIMEOUT 1. 0. Intent i null. Text. View tv null. String connection. Status null. private String socket. Data null. private Handler m. Handler null. Server. Socket server null. CreateBundle saved. Instance. State. Createsaved. Instance. State. set. Content. ViewR. layout. Set up click listeners for the buttons. View connect. Button find. View. By. IdR. id. Button. set. On. Click. Listenerthis. View on. Btn find. View. By. IdR. id. hdmion. Btn. On. Click. Listenerthis. View off. Btn find. View. By. IdR. id. Btn. set. On. Click. Listenerthis. i new Intentthis, Connected. Handler new Handler. ClickView v. switch v. Id. case R. id. Text. View find. View. By. IdR. id. Threadinitialize. Connection. start. String msg Attempting to connect. Toast. make. Textthis, msg, msg. R. id. hdmion. Log. TAG, disconnect Globals. Out. if Globals. Out null. Globals. Out. printlnhdmi. On. Globals. socket. Out. flush. case R. Log. dTAG, disconnect Globals. Out. if Globals. Out null. Globals. Out. printlnhdmi. Off. Globals. Out. Runnable initialize. Connection new Thread. Socket client null. Server. Socket3. So. TimeoutTIMEOUT 1. Globals. socket. In new Scannerclient. Input. Stream. Globals. Out new Print. Writerclient. Output. Stream. Globals. In. Socket. Timeout. Exception e. TIMEOUT. Status Connection has timed out Please try again. Handler. postshow. Connection. Status. IOException e. Log. TAG, e. IOException ec. Log. eTAG, Cannot close server socket ec. Globals. connected true. Status Connection was succesful. Log. dTAG, connected. Handler. postshow. Connection. Status. Globals. socket. In. Next. socket. Data Globals. In. next. m. Handler. Status. start. Activityi. Pops up a toast to indicate the connection status. Runnable show. Connection. Status new Runnable. Toast. make. Textget. Base. Context, connection. Status. Toast. LENGTHSHORT. Runnable socket. Status new Runnable. Text. View tv Text. View find. View. By. IdR. id. connectiontext. Textsocket. Data. Globals. public static boolean connected. Scanner socket. In. Print. Writer socket. Out. UPDATE Since this post ive updated the server code to be more robust now that I understand it better. I separated the socket stuff into its own service that will run constantly WARNING this WILL kill the battery quickly, youll need to optimize for your needs, for my needs the device is always plugged in. Here is the new service code. Buffered. Reader. Input. Stream. Reader. Print. Writer. import java. Server. Socket. import java. Socket. import java. Hash. Map. import java. List. import java. Scanner. import android. Activity. Manager. Service. import android. Component. Name. import android. Intent. import android. Binder. import android. IBinder. import android. Log. public class Zeus. Socket. Service extends Service. String TAG Zeus. Socket. IBinder m. Binder new Zeus. Binder. private Socket client null. Server. Socket server. Hash. Maplt String, Boolean hdmi. Apps. public void on. Create. super. Create. Apps parse. Featured. Apps. Socket. Server. Globals. public static boolean connected. Scanner socket. In. Print. Writer socket. Out. private Hash. Maplt String, Boolean parse. Featured. Apps. TODO parse xml. Hash. Maplt String, Boolean h new Hash.