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The Jim Henson Hour Muppet Wiki. Ubu, Xandra, Digit, Kermit, Leon, Lindbergh, and Jim Henson. Jim Henson with the Thought Lion hosts an hour of television. The Jim Henson Hour was an hour long prime time anthology series produced by Jim Henson as a showcase for a variety of Jim Henson Productions television work. The short lived series aired over the course of four months in 1. During this time, a total of nine episodes out of twelve produced in total aired on NBC, before the low rated series was cancelled. Format. The Jim Henson Hour was modeled after the old Walt Disney Presents anthology series later under different titles, including Disneyland and Wonderful World of Color, in which every week Walt Disney would show off the latest innovations and creations of his production company. While preseason games are already underway, the 2017 NFL season will officially begin September 7 when the New England Patriots play the Kansas City Chiefs. Fans of. Sesame Street Logo Font Free DownloadAt the beginning of each episode, Jim Henson would enter a computer generated set alongside the Thought Lion from The Story. Teller and introduce the evenings show. In most shows, the hour was divided into two parts. The first half hour would feature a modernized variation of The Muppet Show, titled Muppe. Television. Hosted by a mix of old and new Muppet characters, the shows featured celebrity guests, musical numbers and comedy sketches. The second half hour featured more serious and sometimes darker content, such as installments of The Story. Teller and Lighthouse Island. Occasionally, a light hearted story or more Muppet antics such as Miss Piggys Hollywood would close out the hour. Several episodes featured extended full episode mini movies, such as the comedic film noir Dog City the more dramatic Monster Maker and Living with Dinosaurs and a behind the scenes special, entitled Secrets of the Muppets. Development. Clockwise from left Unnamed bird character, Jim Henson, Lindbergh, Kermit, Zondra, and Digit. MncF8nJRTcE/0.jpg' alt='Sesame Street Logo Font Free Download' title='Sesame Street Logo Font Free Download' />The Jim Henson Hour was an hourlong primetime anthology series produced by Jim Henson as a. An enterprising couple from the South Bay was just able to purchase a neighborhood street from an online auction because of an accounting error, The San Francisco. N.376154873_17jw.jpg' alt='Sesame Street Logo Font Free Download' title='Sesame Street Logo Font Free Download' />The idea for The Jim Henson Hour was first made by Henson to NBC head Brandon Tartikoff on August 2. Tartikoff liked the idea enough that he asked Henson to prepare a formal proposal and pitch reelwhich NBC paid forthat Tartikoff could share with other network executives. Henson filmed a pitch reel on September 2. Now lets take a look over the Logo Quiz answers on Level 3 and see how good you are at this game Dont cheat if not absolutely necessary Inside Social. The biggest and latest apps and platforms, plus trends and insights on the biggest online discussions. QUOTE Overall, the community is awesome to us. But there are some pretty mean people out there. All of our developers are free to post on these forums. N.568077296_4qnx.jpg' alt='Sesame Street Logo Font Free Download' title='Sesame Street Logo Font Free Download' />Muppet Workshop. In the pitch reel, and an accompanying written proposal, Henson outlined his original vision for the series. The original plan was for the show to have a rotating schedule of four different kinds of episodes, one for each week of the month. The first week would feature an hour long episode of The Story. Teller. The second week would feature Lead Free TV, Hensons concept for The Muppet Show from the future. The third week would feature a picture book special in the vein of Emmet Otters Jug Band Christmas, The Christmas Toy and The Tale of the Bunny Picnic. In the fourth week anything could happena detective story with Kermit and the gang, a story about an enchanted bowling ball, an outer space adventure or a look behind the scenes. In December 1. 98. NBC picked up the series for a half season order 1. January 1. 98. 9 it was later delayed until April. However, NBC insisted on some format changes to Hensons original proposal the executives did not like Hensons proposal of a weekly rotation of episode types. Instead of comprehensive themed hours, the network suggested that the first half hour be made up of various Muppet and comedy segments, while the second half hour could be a long piece, such as an installment of The Story. Suits 3 Complete. Teller or another original feature. Henson was allowed to produce one hour long special per month, but seems to have bent the rules slightly to produce more than that. These included Monster Maker and Living With Dinosaurs, as well as Sesame Street 2. Still Counting, and arguably Secrets of the Muppets and. Dog City. No hour long Story. Teller episodes were ever produced. Hensons idea for Lead Free TV evolved into Muppe. Televisiona segment featuring existing and new Muppets characters lead by Kermit the Frog in a futuristic television control room. Muppet Show director Peter Harris was selected as director for the series other notable directors considered included Sam Raimi and Brad Bird. According to Henson biographer Brian Jay Jones, Henson was skeptical about appearing on camera and originally wanted Kermit the Frog to host the series however NBC wanted Henson to host. In July 1. 98. 8, Henson was put in the hands of a coach and stylist to help him get comfortable in front of the camera. To help Henson look less stiff on camera, Peter Harris suggested they give Henson someone, or something, to interact with. So Henson hosted the show alongside a mostly silent sidekick the Thought Lion, originally from The Story. Teller. Jerry Juhl said the lion was selected for no reason at all except that it was kind of wonderful and gave Henson something to talk to without folding his arms. While Henson hosted his pitch reel from a Muppet Workshop, Henson wanted something more dynamic and high tech for the series and a magical computer generated set was designed for Henson and the lion to host from. Working titles for the show include Jim Henson Presents, The Jim Henson Family Hour and The Jim Henson Show. Airing. In April 1. NBC began airing The Jim Henson Hour on Friday nights. In the same time slot a week before the series debuted, the special Sesame Street 2. Still Counting aired with the same closing credits font and closing logo as the series proper, and was referred to by critic John J. OConnor as really sort of the first installment of The Jim Henson Hour. Critics were not kind to the show, calling it flawed7 and dull. The show on average brought in a mere 5. In May, with the series fifth episode, NBC moved the show to Sunday night. The episode brought in the shows lowest ratings. NBC cancelled the series after the episode, burning off remaining episodes by airing them over the summer and leaving three episodes unaired. During its time on NBC, only a total of nine episodes aired. Two remaining episodes later made their US television debut as specials on Nickelodeon in 1. United States. In the companys 1. Henson lamented the cancellation, writing I dont particularly like the way NBC handled us, but what the hey, thats network TV. The series was really coming together nicely and Im sure that we would have made it even better in subsequent seasons. In a late 1. American Film magazine, Henson was asked if he would try again with The Jim Henson Hour. I dont think so, Henson responded. That was with NBC, and they cancelled us after the fifth show was on the air, so that was a bit of a frustration. Though we had six Emmy nominations from it, the ratings were quite bad. They put us in a time slot that they had been consistently not doing very well in, and we also did not do very well. Frank Oz spoke of the series saying, Whatever Jim did, even some of the things that failed, there was always amazing stuff in it, but The Jim Henson Hour just didnt have the usual Jim focus. It was more like a grab bag of the brilliant thing hed done. The Muppe. Television segments have been rerun, by themselves, on CTS in Canada part of the package that also includes The Muppet Show and Muppets Tonight. Since the show is now only half an hour long, Hensons introductions are entirely different, with Henson only talking about the Muppe. Television half of the program. The title, meanwhile, is changed to The Jim Henson Show.