Moog Macs

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Screen%20Shot%202012-03-20%20at%206.24.31%20PM_0.png' alt='Moog Macs Bootloader' title='Moog Macs Bootloader' />Wendy Carlos Photos 1. Studio. Collection. Moog. Studio just prior to starting S OBThis photo, a rare 2 14. B W shot, was taken during early 1. Switched On. Bach project. Invention in F had just been. At the left is the original, flaky used Ampex 3. Sichern Sie sich jetzt exklusiv bei falkemedia den neuen Bestseller Sdtirol mixt mit den besten Grundrezepten regionalen Liebli. Dyson Light Ball Multi Floor. Bagless cleaning with outstanding results at a very attractive price. First and Fastest headlines from the high tech music world, news from major trade shows including NAMM, Musik Messe, AES and more. Many items include video footage. On Sunday, North Korea detonated what they claimed to be a hydrogen bomb and the weapon test has prompted serious concern from the U. S. and allies. But what makes a. If you get panicked by crowds, you might not even know it. You might just tense up or get angry. I got snippy at the farmers market for years before I noticed the. Theres no doubting Denmarkbased KnudHenrik is a keysman, with this little lot surrounding his studio. A blend of workstations, stage pianos, synths and. Ampex 4. 40 B. The Ampex 8 track had just been assembled from. A. homemade VCO can be seen, with the tiny metercontrol box. Ampex electronics, and big kit power amp on the. The custom Moog. Synthesizer had just acquired its second tier, which. My dad helped. me assemble the wooden shutter screen that we stained to. A small. Lafayette tube amp kit for monitoring sits on the base of. Ampex electronics. Moog Macs' title='Moog Macs' />A mike stand juts into the frame on. My. first homemade pullout mixing board sits below the two. Patch cords. are all over the place, as usual. P. S. This is the actual. High. Fidelity. magazine, to accompany the glowing review by Gene Lees that. S OB some 8 months later. Thanks, Gene. Moog Studio as finally set. West. End Ave 7. Street, NYC. This picture, taken. L shaped arrangement of. Ampex, custom 1 8 Track Ampex with. Moog Macs' title='Moog Macs' />Moog MacsDolby A 3. Klangumwandler. Moog Synthesizer, custom assembled over. Vocoder on top. homemade 1. Two Marantz. power amps are visible on the floor, and control pedals for. Homemade patch bay and VFO vari speed are not. F15 Technical Coordination Program TCP 2017 World Wide Review WWR November 13 16, 2017 Miramar Beach, Florida Stand 214. Tensor lamps helped visibility, and. This is how the. studio looked at about the time of the Beethoven 9th final. Timesteps. The. Brownstone Studio. West Side of Manhattan, in March of 1. This. view is what you saw as you approached the top of the. A Kalihm tapestry hangs on the left. A few awards hang on the right wall. OihpZC9GbE/U4hsZ7cz1nI/AAAAAAAAACQ/oNmbhN8JtSw/s1600/5115969+%25281%2529.jpg' alt='Moog Macs Software' title='Moog Macs Software' />The four. Klipsch Cornwall loudspeakers hang on chains around the main. A two manual Yamaha Electone organ sits. I found the original 2 14 slide recently, and carefully. A. closer view in the Brownstone studio in 1. We are here. standing near the right side of the console, foreground. Moog Synthesizer. An Ampex 1 8 track. M 2 1. 6 track is located to the right. I generally. worked in the left black chair while performing the synth. During the. daytime a large picture window to the upper left you can. Note that the glass was double layered, to. You. try to think of these things, but always seem to miss a. Ive. only recently. R. Dennis. Schwarz, when he was wiring one of the Spectra Sonics card. Bob. R. is for Robert. Longmore. Both were. LPs and current ESD. Id have ever. considered trying to build my own studio. Personal studios. You especially needed someone like Bobby, who knew. That he was so. generous with his knowledge, time and effort is a gift Ill. Download Software Gratis Around The World. Thank you, Bob, in more ways than I can. Youll note that hes sniffing a soldering iron tip. UPDATE. 2. 00. 8Sunnuvagun. Ive been hoping to see and visit with Bob Schwarz again. But I didnt know how to find him, had no. Well, thanx to this website, Bobby. ME in late 2. 00. We nearly got together in early 2. One year later we tried again. Bob and. Aggie, his sig O and engineering partner in a versatile. NYC for a week to handle all the. And at the end of one. The photo to the left shows them sitting in front of the. Bob helped me design and build. Ive kept updating it, of course, to keep. What a treat that. It was great fun to showoff. Wurly. II pipe organ emulation. For Bob and me it was one of. I moved into the loft, in fact. His dry. offbeat sense of humor is still intact he had us in. The audio stories hes accumulated over the. Also. evident is Bobs deep, infectious laughter and narrative. Same friend in my good memories, and although weve. Aggie and I also hit it off preposterously well. Gee, I like. her Nice when friends find that the other has connected. Here. you see two. I wish a dopey snapshot like. Trust me, we didnt need much help. Weve been trading regular e mails and. Bob still is the proverbial good. Ive been having in the studio. While Im. comfortable around recording studios you HAVE to be in. But Bobs knowledge and breadth of a lifetime in. I only know vicariously about. Well, we certainly now. And. Ive added Aggie to my short list of people Id most prefer. This short. description may sound rather gushy sorry, but its sincere. I can barely contain my sense of delight that one of. Still. enough time now has gone by that we are both on the other. We USED to. be among the youngest kids on the block now were among the. So be it. time to pass the. You. may enjoy comparing. Astronomers charmingly. First Light ought we call it. First Sound The photo is from early 1. I still. used my trusty G dad itzah Wurli. Tzer electric piano, which. West End. Avenue studio above last work written on it Geodesic. Dance. Thats it far left. When we leased the big Steinway. I gave it to Steve Bone, the fine lead guitarist for. Michaelangelo. a light rock group Rachel. Elkind produced and. I recorded in 7. He deserved it, and used it later for. Note that the rack. Ampex has two openings in it my VCO. Martin Audio unit went in there soon, as. The 3 M 4 tk had plenty of room in between it and the. Ampex 8 tk my current place is not so wasteful. The 8 was. Moog at 9. The 3 M 1. 6 tk was further. No swivel studio chairs yet, I see. Tensor lamps. still used, as the ceiling down spots were incomplete. And. the blue white box on the 4 tk meter bridge contains. M 2 tk head assembly that I used recently in. Clockwork Orange. Read more about that in the Recent. News on ESD. In this view. Ampex. and are looking to the right of the previous view. The. consoles layout is visible, as are two of the hanging. The 1. 6 track is to the left of the console, which. In the background you can see. Actually, that upper. The lower one was given an 1. That turned. the rear part of the buildings basement into a crawl space. Both rooms still exist, somewhat modified. The studio. itself has been relocated to my downtown loft since January. The inside of the. GOR geous Reason being the wiring was crafted by Donald. Longmore thank. you so much, Don. Gotham Recording. Inc., where we met theres. Gotham. new Eltro page HERE. He collaborated on my studio with Bob Schwarz. Don was trained by Bell System professionals, assembling. Western Electric style audio circuits. It. showed his wiring was meticulous, easy to trace, and. Look, this now antique console has. Try that. with any. I. dare you. I learned a great deal by watching Don at work. Ive. gradually made modifications and upgrades to the console. Nuff said. The. upper room of. Steinway grand piano. As with. the main downstairs room all walls were acoustically. This room even. had a fireplace, with a decorative antique oil painting. The windows to the street at this time had been. When. I moved all of the sound panels got mutilated in attempting. This is why all sound. I. move. Here. you can see a much wider. The walls were then. Thats Phunkalaro, my first Siamese cat friend he sure made. Although my current. Rachels. sense of design and theater. Many visitors to New York City. Of course today private use home studios have. MIDI Yet the. nostalgia of fading memories occasionally conjures up images. This. will give you. Tempi. Mark II console. Im not kidding, that name is. Old English in the upper right corner of the. Heres a pretty decent slide I recently. Ive been able to locate thus far. Ive. balanced some uneven lighting within Photoshop, from this. Minolta Dimage Dual an excellent new. I purchased for the Beauty. Beast and. Digital.